What is Outdoor Laser-Gaming?
Laser-gaming is a live combat entertainment experience using infra-red gaming guns.
If you play the XBox, Wii, PLAYSTATION you will love this!!
Inspired by popular video games such as Halo2, Call of Duty, Quake and Counterstrike; outdoor Laser-gaming is just like a computer game but real!!
Outdoor Laser-gaming is LIVE GAMING suitable for players aged 8years – Adults.
The laser-guns use a harmless infra-red beam, similar to a TV remote that tags sensors worn by each player. our harmless infra red guns, built tough, with realistic sound effects, realistic weights and real scopes, why settle for anything less! Everyone in the team participates, our range of guns cater for all levels of fitness, each player has a gun and participates.
What are the weapons? The weapons are technologically advanced “laser” guns which actually use infra-red light. Infra-red is on the safe side of the visible spectrum (no actual lasers are used). All the weapons come with either a high quality telescopic sight or red-dot sighting as used by many military and police agencies world wide. Our guns are supplied by Battlefields Sports in Australia, the leaders in the market in outdoor laser guns. Do you need safety equipment?No safety equipment is required. There is NO projectile involved with outdoor laser-gaming, No goggles, No masks, no protective gear needed. We recommend each player to wear suitable clothing that is appropriate for the weather, long trousers, and full covered sturdy footwear, no crocs or backless or toe-less shoes.
What do you aim at?
There are sensors on the laser guns and on the front and the back of the headband. Each time the sensor is hit, the gun will register it.
Is Laser-tag suitable for scouts?Yes, providing your group had signed permission forms for lasertag, for example:
The Scout Association rules state:
Rule 43.9 Paintball Games. Members of the Movement may not take part in the activity known as ‘Paintball’ (or any similar activity). Paintball games may not take place on property owned or leased by, or used in the name of, the Scout Movement. Rule 43.9A Laser Games. Laser Games remain an optional Scouting activity without age limit with the knowledge of parents.
Laser tag attracts a much broader market. The young and mid teens market are extremely keen on combat games having been brought up on computer games such as Counter-Strike and the like. The young-mid teen market is also impacted by parental concern about safety. Due to the price, safety and often-legal advantages, laser tag wins in the young-teens market every time against paintball.
What age do you have to be?
The minimum age is 8, although if your booking is for EXCLUSIVE USE 7 year olds can attend. as you can see from the team building and the group bookings section, our games are also designed for adults.
What do I bring?
For all sessions bring your own: 1. Covered shoes appropriate for rough terrain 2. Long trousers (down to ankle) 3. Insect repellent 4. Sunscreen
To book please click on our book online page and select the session you would like to book.